When is it time to call a bankruptcy lawyer? If your car is about to be repossessed, your home foreclosed, or you can't sleep due to constant harassing phone calls from bill collectors, it might be time to pick up the phone. You can't live your life constantly running away from your debts and financial worries. Stop running and start sorting your life out with the help of a skilled legal professional and you might find things turning around sooner than you expected.
Creditor Harassment
If you find yourself constantly awoken at all hours of the night by an angry bill collector. It may be time to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer. Some creditors can get particularly vicious, calling your friends or family and making threats, thus disrupting your life. The constant calls can induce stress and make day-to-day life unbearable. A legal professional can help stop unwanted calls from bill collectors and creditors and help you get the privacy back that you deserve.
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Unrealistic Goals
You may keep thinking that you will suddenly fall into a large inheritance, win some money gambling, or get that raise at work, but the reality is that even if a miracle were to happen, it usually doesn't come quickly enough. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you evaluate your financial situation and come up with some more realistic expectations and goals that you can actually meet. This might mean filing for bankruptcy, but at least you won't suffer the consequences of repossessions or even home foreclosure.
Save Possessions
If you are so deep into debt that you have to hide your car from the repo man, it is time to enlist in the services of a qualified bankruptcy lawyer. In many cases, filing can prevent your items from being repossessed, saving you tons of money, stress, and heartache down the line. It may seem like giving up your pride, but trust an attorney when he says you'll be much more grateful to have that car and file for bankruptcy rather than be taking the bus to work for the next five years.
Start Again
Sometimes it is just too late and you must start with a clean slate. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you clear debts and refinance so you can make payments, start a savings plan, and learn to budget your money more wisely. Starting over again may seem like an impossible task, but it is much easier to start from the beginning than to try and detangle a large knot. Give yourself a second chance and you will be all the better for it.
There are downfalls to filing for bankruptcy including, difficulty securing credit and loans and problems renting property; therefore, it is important to discuss and consider these issues carefully before making a decision to file. Filing will stay on your record for many years so it shouldn't be taken lightly. Bankruptcy, however, doesn't have to be the end of the world, but rather the start of a more financially stable future.
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