In these times of financial difficulty, many folks are faced with economic hardships that are causing them to consider filing bankruptcy. For some, bankruptcy may be the best option, but when you are faced with financial crises, remember that it is possible to avoid bankruptcy. If you wish to avoid bankruptcy and keep your credit score as positive as you can, there are some things you can do:
Admit your debt is a problem. Some people let their debt grow and grow and as they get into more financial difficulty, they handle it with credit cards and loans because they think they can get their debt under control. But this is not wise. If you have more debt than you can comfortably handle, you must first admit that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
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Negotiate with your lenders.
Banks and other financial institutions are fully aware that many Americans are having financial difficulties, and most would rather reach a mutually acceptable arrangement than lose out when you file bankruptcy.
Consult with a credit counseling service or other credit professional. There are nonprofit agencies, profit-based companies, as well as attorneys and accountants who specialize in finding creative solutions to financial issues. They may be able to help you avoid bankruptcy.
Whether you have become unemployed, are underemployed, have gotten divorced, or are facing a medical crisis that is straining your resources, there are options out there. If it is at all possible to avoid personal bankruptcy, you should probably seek a way to do so, as bankruptcy can negatively affect your credit rating for the next ten years or more. With that negative credit history comes a decreased opportunity for reasonable loans, the inability to buy a home or car, and sometimes even increased insurance rates.
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