Most people think that once you declare bankruptcy, you don't need any more credit repair. Even the attorneys that helps you process the bankruptcy papers might tell you that bankruptcy will take of everything on your credit report. This assertion is not usually true. Even after bankruptcy, your credit report, in all likely hoods, will still remain a mess. Your credit report can still show accounts that are open and overdue
It is not unusual to still have some accounts that are still alive in your credit report, after bankruptcy. Even accounts that are supposedly included in your bankruptcy fillings might still be showing up in your credit history. Some accounts may still show zero but still remain negative on your credit informationt.
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In spite of what the credit repair outlets are saying, bankruptcy fillings will remain negative on your accounts for the next 7 years. But you are not totally helpless when it comes to clearing up negative items from your credit and even restarting the process of getting good credit reports once again.
So, what are you to do? What you want to do is to dispute anything and everything that you feel is negative on your accounts.
That is when you kick starting your credit repair efforts. You don't have to pay those credit repair businesses hundreds of dollars to do it. The steps are very simple.
It starts from getting a copy of your credit reports, look at the ones that are negative that you might want to dispute. Make sure that the accounts that are covered under the bankruptcy filings are noted for disputations later. Next, you want to get copies of credit disputation letters.
You can use the same letters that credit repair businesses use. These letters in most cases, are available in the public. The first place you might want to go to is your local library. Your local library might have copies of credit disputing letters. These letters are also available on some websites and other public domain. There also software that can do this disputing but they can cost you few dollars.
You can copy these letters, adjust it your specific situations, before sending them out. Make sure that you personalize these letters before sending them out. You can use credit repair letters to dispute the charge offs, bad debts and collections found in your credit report.
You will be surprised at the results. You will also be enjoy of the satisfaction of being able to repair your own credits, after bankruptcy, and without paying out thousands of dollars to do it.
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