If you think that you need to file for bankruptcy you should consider bankruptcy help from either a well established non-profit organization or through an attorney. Several years ago the laws were changed and it has now become more difficult to qualify for filing. This is because too many people were using this as a way to live recklessly and then turn around and file either chapter 7 or chapter 13 and clear their debts. This was happening with such frequency that lenders began to pass on these enormous write-offs to the average consumer and to try and stop people from taking advantage of the system congress made the qualifications even tougher.
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There are pros and cons to tougher laws. While it has cutting down on people that purposely run up their debts and then file, it has made it harder for those who are in serious, legitimate need from getting out from under their crushing debts. If you are in serious debt trouble get help to file your bankruptcy this way you will know and understand your rights as a consumer. Once you decide that you need bankruptcy help here is the necessary paperwork that you will need to have in order.
The first thing you need to do is to collect every statement for every bill that you have. You should include all your debt. This mean all revolving lines of credit, this will usually include all of your credit card statements or lines of credit such as a home equity line of credit. Next you need to get all you collateral loan information; this will be your mortgage payments, car loans, or student loans. You will also gather any additional debt such as medical bills. Once you have your statements for your debts also gather your cost of living statements.
What this will do is show the person that is helping you with your bankruptcy how much it actually costs you and your family to live. For example if you own a home you need to show them how much your property taxes are each year and the amount of money it cost to insure your home and automobiles. You should also show your necessary monthly expenses such as gas, electric, water and grocery bills. This way the person helping you can get a true picture on what is going on financial in your home. With this information they will be able to tell you your next step.
With the new laws making it harder to file you may be first asked to try and work with the companies that you owe money to. This type of service is often referred to as credit counseling. If you can go this way you could save yourself a few years of bad credit history from filing and getting a bankruptcy. However if the credit council service looks at your debt they may tell you to go ahead and tell the person giving you the bankruptcy help to file the necessary paperwork to proceed with the bankruptcy.
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